Rachel Klinghoffer
Charmed to meet you, 2021
Charmed to meet you, 2022, approx. 24 feet long / diameter, carabiners, titanium jumpers rings, and charms materials in 23 parts
Dimensions Variable

Rachel Klinghoffer
Everybody is a star, I can feel it when you shine on me, 2021
Shell found by daughter on beach in Long Beach Island, NJ, ring from collector, piece of embroidered pillow from past work, movie poster from uncle, list of places to visit in Italy from friend, leather from friend, payette from grandmothers sewing box, envelope from birthday card from parents, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 36w in (91.44h x 91.44w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
She loved the light was dismayed by the dark the stars though she seemed to respect, 2021
Tablecloth from mother-in-law, lace made by husbands’ great grandmother, Ellsworth Kelly postage stamp, bra strap from collector, wrapping paper from gift for son from sister-in-law, wrapping paper from gift for daughter from sister, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 36w in (91.44h x 91.44w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
Someday we'll find it, 2020
Button, garter belt attachment and drink stir from paternal grandmother, cork from champagne bottle from New Year’s Eve, bead from uncle, quilt from mother in law, lace from husbands grandmother, vintage Israeli stamp from friend, receipt from local kosher butcher, gift wrapping from friends when son was born, tissue paper from Hanukkah gift for son, paint samples from painting nursery, leftover glitter from birthday cards, leather from friend, leftover paper from making gift for my husband’s birthday, balloon from daughters third birthday party, acrylic, wood
24h x 36w in (60.96h x 91.44w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
The faint light that flutters at night to the earth would land in her eyes, 2021
Vintage Israeli postage stamp, piece of popped beach ball from son, leather from friend, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 36w in (91.44h x 91.44w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
You enjoy myself, 2021
Button from grandmothers sewing box, receipt from local kosher butcher, piece of art made with daughter, tissue paper from gift for son from friend, balloon from son’s second birthday, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 36w in (91.44h x 91.44w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
The stillness of remembering what you had, 2020
leather rom friend, buttons from grandmother’s sewing box, champagne cork from new year’s eve 2020, embroidered napkin from husband’s grandmother, glitter, wrapping paper from gift for son from friend, lace from husbands grandmother, Swarovski crystals, acrylic, spray paint, resin, panel
36h x 24w in (91.44h x 60.96w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
Life beyond the dream, 2021
Shell found by niece on beach on Long Beach Island NJ, Button from grandmother’s sewing box, drink stir from grandmother from 40’s NYC nightclub, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 48w in (91.44h x 121.92w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
And the light shines on what we all ride on and when the day’s come and gone you
know we all ride on, 2021
Shells found by daughter and niece on Long Beach Island NJ, balloon from son’s 1st birthday, payette from grandmother’s sewing box, wrapping paper and tissue paper from gift for daughter from sister, lace made by husbands’ great grandmother, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 48w in (91.44h x 121.92w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
You wouldn't pile another stone upon me and I'd be happy just to watch you age, 2021
Shells found by daughter and niece on Long Beach Island NJ, button from grandmothers sewing box, leather from friend, mahjong tile from grandmother, drink stir from grandmother from 40’s NYC nightclub, earing from mother-in-law, Winnie the pooh earing from when first got ears pierced, used paintbrush, wood from past sculpture, produce netting, tissue paper, fabric paint and gems from crafts with daughter, Swarovski crystals, glitter, flocking, acrylic, wood
36h x 48w in (91.44h x 121.92w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
Wash over you, 2020
Works on paper from 2003, ribbon from gift from friend when son was born, wrapping paper from birthday gift for daughter from friend, wrapping paper from gift from sister for my daughter from Hanukkah, tissue paper from birthday gift from friend, pearl from uncle, Swarovski crystal, spray paint, flashe, acrylic, paper
22h x 22w in (55.88h x 55.88w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
I'd rather be dry, but at least I'm alive, 2020
Works on paper from 2003, balloon from when son was born, gift wrapping from Hanukkah gift from sister, button from paternal grandmother, Swarovski crystal, spray paint, flashe, acrylic
22h x 22w in (55.88h x 55.88w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
There's nothing that I'd rather do then spend my sunset days with you, 2020
Works on paper from 2003, husband’s jeans, leather from friend, wrapping paper from Hanukkah gift from sister for daughter, button from grandmother, tissue paper from gift from friend for son, tissue paper from gift from friend for daughter, Swarovski crystal, leftover house paint, acrylic, spray paint
22h x 22w in (55.88h x 55.88w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
I never thought I’d hear my heartbeat so loud, 2020
Balloon from bringing son home from hospital when he was born, piece of painting from graduate school, button from paternal grandmother, artwork from daughter, piece of envelope and card from my mother and father, tissue paper from gift from sister, piece of quilt from husband’s grandmother, work on paper from 2003, Swarovski crystal, spray paint, flashe, acrylic, paper
22h x 22w in (55.88h x 55.88w cm)

Rachel Klinghoffer
So many times the sun came up but came up without you, 2020
Balloon from bringing son home from hospital when he was born, piece of painting from graduate school, button from paternal grandmother, artwork from daughter, piece of envelope and card from my mother and father, signage from back of husbands car, piece of necklace from daughter, stone from ring mother in law wore in the 60’s, work on paper from 2003, Swarovski crystal, spray paint, flashe, acrylic, paper
22h x 22w in (55.88h x 55.88w cm)