John Salvest at the Bass Museum of Art
June 7 - July 10, 2016
"John Salvest challenges pre-conceived notions of everyday objects and their inherent value. He revisits business cards, reclaimed medicine cabinets, and pills and also introduces new materials such as secondhand romance novels and used crutches. The found objects are recontextualized, often with the assistance of the written word, to create works that both communicate personal realizations about morality and time and also comment on the triumphs and follies specific to our era. Salvest believes that the beauty, courage, sadness, humor, and absurdity of the world are reflected in the physical evidence of our human needs and shortcomings – specifically in the detritus of our daily lives."

John Salvest at the Alexandria Museum of Art
Out of the Ordinary: Les Christensen & John Salvest
March 4 - May 21, 2016
"Artists John Salvest and Les Christensen transform the ordinary into extraordinary, turning what most think of as trash or junk into thought-provoking and beautiful sculptures and installations.
Both artists work in education at the Arkansas State University in Jonesboro; Salvest is a Professor of Art, and Christensen is the Director of the Bradbury Art Museum. Christensen and Salvest have exhibited throughout the South and beyond in group and solo exhibitions."

Frohawk Two Feathers, Paul Villinski, and John Salvest at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft
Ritual and Residue: The Art of Drink
September 13 - November 9, 2014
Ritual & Residue: The Art of Drink focuses on rituals formed around tea, coffee, beer, wine and bourbon and the residue left behind. These beverages, created by humans, have inspired countless cultural traditions from decorative vessels to social gatherings. Whether habit, necessity, or custom, consuming beverages is often a community endeavor. In contemporary life, ideas are shared over a cup of coffee, friends meet at the bar, and a sip of bourbon unites an entire state in camaraderie.

Bad For You: Curated by Beth Rudin Dewoody
Including works by John Salvest
2 October, 2012
BAD FOR YOU, an exhibition of art from America. With 67 of the country's most contemporary and established artists, curator Beth Rudin Dewoody's sweeping exhibition captures the panoramic strand of contemporary art that deals with the show's eponymous title.
Beth Rudin DeWoody is a New York based art collector and curator. She sits on the board of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Creative Time, and The New School, and is known for being one of New York's most dedicated patrons, often acting as an early champion of America’s great artists.
Shizaru will also host a Frieze pop-up shop by New York's GREY AREA called BAD FOR ME that will be selling art objects curated according to the theme of the show.
Click here for link.