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Daniel Mato is a French painter, born in 1983, who lives and works in Paris. He graduated from ENSAPC (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy) with the congratulations of the jury. He is laureate in 2017 of the “Prix International de Peinture Novembre à Vitry”.  In recent years he has presented solo exhibitions at the Galerie Philippe Valentin in Paris, at the Galerie Jean Collet in Vitry-sur-Seine, at Galerie d’art de Créteil. He has also participated in numerous collective exhibitions, at the Domaine Vranken-Pommery in Reims, at the Pavillon Carré de Baudoin in Paris, at Ample Espace d'Art contemporain in Amplepuis, at the ISBA in Besançon, at Néon in Lyon.

Artist Statement:

First there is the application of a gesture and the choice of a color on the raw cotton canvas. This action is foundational and opens up a whole field of possibilities. It gives the tone. From there, it will be a matter of choosing, subtracting, intermingling actions. It is through these different choices that little by little the painting reveals itself and finds its own autonomy. Over time I developed a vocabulary of shapes that I re-engage with each painting, the different ways of applying color find new combinations, new balances, new situations. It is not a question of being abstract or figurative, simply of being alert on the development and construction of the painting.

Liquidity, transparency, superposition and improvisation.

Liquid painting on the raw cotton canvas gives light to the color on being absorb by the fabric. By its lightness the color becomes transparent. By superimposing a color to another, a new color appears and therefore a new drawing. The painting then consists of itself before me, there is nothing more than to follow a trace. I saw the act of painting in the immediacy of the moment. This leads to real discoveries, sometimes disillusionment, good times.

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